Kurso de Raku / Esencoj / Tipitaj variabloj / Ekzercoj / Ekzameni la rezulton de prompt — Stringoj

Solvo: Ekzameni la rezulton de prompt — Stringoj


Here is the complete program that does the job and prints both the entered string and its type.

my $name = prompt 'What is your name? ';
say $name;
say $name.WHAT;

🦋 You can find the source code in the file prompt-strings.raku.

Test runs

Run the program a couple of times and enter different names. The program echoes the input and also reports that the variable contains a string, in other words, an object of the Str type.

$ raku exercises/data-types/prompt-strings.raku
What is your name? Andrey

Now, run the program again, type a few spaces instead of a name, and press Enter.

$ raku exercises/data-types/prompt-strings.raku
What is your name?    


We do not see the output, but we see that the type of the variable is still Str.

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