Cursus Raku / Elementa / Plus de functionibus / Typis parametra

Quiz — Typis parametra


Given the function:

sub f(Rat $x) {
    say 2 * $x;

Which calls are correct?

0 f(3); Etiamsi 3 in continens Rat convenire potest, vocatio falsa est quia 3 est Int, non Rat.
1 f(3.5);  
0 f(3e0);  
0 f('3');  
1 f(<4/5>); Hoc est numerus Rat.


Given the function:

sub g(Int $a, Str $b) {
    say "Integer $a, string $b";

Which calls are correct?

0 g(10, 20);  
0 g('10', 20); Etiamsi utrumque argumentum converti potest, Raku exactum genus postulat.
1 g(10, '20');  
0 g('10, 20'); Una stringa praeterita.
0 g('10', '20');  

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