Cursus Raku / Elementa / Positionalia data genera / @*ARGS array

Quiz — @*ARGS array

You are running the following program a few times. For each run, find the correct answers.

The program is saved in the file t.raku and has the following code:

say @*ARGS.elems;
say @*ARGS[0];


The program is run as:

$ raku t.raku hello world

What are the values printed by each of the lines of code?

2 say @*ARGS.elems; prints  (: 1, 2 :)
hello say @*ARGS[0]; prints  (: hello, world, hello world :)


The program is run as:

$ raku t.raku "hello world"

What are the values printed?

1 say @*ARGS.elems; prints  (: 1, 2 :) The quoted string is a single argument.
hello world say @*ARGS[0]; prints  (: hello, "hello", world, "world", hello world, "hello world" :)  


The program is run as:

$ raku t.raku "hello" "world"

What does it print?

2 say @*ARGS.elems; prints  (: 1, 2 :)  
hello say @*ARGS[0]; prints  (: hello, "hello", world, "world", hello world, "hello world" :) The quotes from the shell are not included in the value of the argument.

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Positionalia data genera / Nidificata array   |   Positionalia data genera / Interpolando array

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