Cursus Raku / Essentiëlen / Voorwaardelijke controles / if blokken

Quiz: if

Complete the following programs.


This program has to check if the age is 21 years or more.

. my $age = 24;  
>= { if $age ␣␣ 21 ␣ Both >= and can be used here.
.     say ‘We can sell it to you.’;  


In this program, you have to check if $x is between 10 and 15 (exclusive).

. my $x = 12.3;
< < if 10 ␣ $x ␣ 15 {
.     say ‘The value of $x is acceptable.’;
. }


Voorwaardelijke controles   |   Voorwaardelijke controles / else blokken

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