Курс Раку / Основи / Асоціативні типи даних / Інтерполяція хешів

Тест — Інтерполяція хешів

Given the following hash:

my %letters = α => 'Alpha', β => 'Beta', γ => 'Gamma';

Complete the below programs to get the requested output.


Using the hash, print the name of the Greek letter β. Use the form without quotes around the key string.

<β> say "The letter β is called %letters␣␣.";


Using the hash, print the name of the Greek letter β. Use the form where the key is quoted in single quotes.

{'β'} say "The letter β is called %letters␣␣␣␣.";


Print the letters and their names as a table.

letters{ say "Here are some Greek letters:\n%␣␣␣␣␣}\netc."; Note that the output may be not sorted.

The possible output for this case is:

Here are some Greek letters:
α	Alpha
β	Beta
γ	Gamma

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