Курс Раку / Основи / Числа / Раціональні числа

Тест: Раціональні числа в Раку

Select the numbers which are Rat in Raku.

1 3/64 This is a Rat number, not a division of two integers.
1 2.718281828459045 That‘s an approximate value of the Euler constant, but this is a Rat still, as it is not infinitely long.
1 10_230/50_245 You can use the _ separate here too.
1 10.345_678 And here.
0 10.345,678 A comma here is neither a decimal comma nor a separator.
1 <33/44> Another form of writing rational numbers in Raku.
0 <33 44> This is a list of strings (we’ll see it further in the course).
0 '<33 44>' This is a string.
1 ⅞/⅚ This is a division of two Rat numbers, but the result is also a Rat number.

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