Курс Раку / Основи / Рядки / Конкатенація рядків

Тест 2: Конкатенація рядків і чисел

Raku automatically converts a number if you want to concatenate it to a string. In each of the parts below, select the lines that print the required string.


Which of the lines print Alpha2?

1 say ‘Alpha2’;  
0 say ‘Alpha’ 2; A space is a syntax error here.
1 say ‘Alpha’, ‘2’; There is no string concatenation, but the result is correct.
1 say ‘Alpha’ ~ ‘2’;  
1 say ‘Alpha’ ~ 2; A number is converted to a string and then concatenated.
0 say ‘Alpha’ + 2; A + does not do string concatenation.
0 say ‘Alpha’ . 2; Neither does a ..


Which of these lines print 123?

1 say 1 ~ 2 ~ 3; String concatenation here, even for numbers.
0 say 1 + 2 + 3; A regular arithmetical expression.
1 say ‘1’ ~ ‘2’ ~ ‘3’; Single characters are also strings.
0 say ‘1’ + ‘2’ + ‘3’; As there is a +, the strings are converted to numbers.
1 say 1 ~ 23;  
1 say 12 ~ 3;  
1 say 123 ~ ‘’; '' is an empty string, so appending it does not change the result.

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