Course of Raku / Essentials / Data type conversion

Quiz: What is its type?

Select the correct type for each of the listed literals.

Str "Hello, World!" is (: Int, Rat, Num, Str :)  
Str 'Hello, World!' is (: Int, Rat, Num, Str :)  
Int 12345 is (: Int, Rat, Num, Str :)  
Str '12345' is (: Int, Rat, Num, Str :)  
Rat 123.45 is (: Int, Rat, Num, Str :) This is a rational number in Raku, not a floating-point number.
Rat 500.000 is (: Int, Rat, Num, Str :) Even if the number has no actual decimal part, it’s type is not Int.
Int 500_000 is (: Int, Rat, Num, Str :) _ is a thousands separator for easier reading by a human.
Str '3.14e2' is (: Int, Rat, Num, Str :) This is a quoted sequence of characters, so it is a string.
Rat 3.14 is (: Int, Rat, Num, Str :)  
Num 3.14e0 is (: Int, Rat, Num, Str :)  

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