Course of Raku / Essentials / Conditional checks / Exercises / Plural ending

Solution: Plural ending

The program should check if the entered number is bigger then one and put it in the plural form.


my $n = prompt 'How many files to copy? ';
my $ending = $n == 1 ?? '' !! 's';
say "$n file{$ending} copied.";

🦋 Find the program in the file plural-ending.raku.


Run the program at least twice and test it with the input 1 and with any other positive integer:

$ raku exercises/conditional-checks/plural-ending.raku
How many files to copy? 10
10 files copied.

$ raku exercises/conditional-checks/plural-ending.raku
How many files to copy? 1
1 file copied.


You may, probably, tend to mistakenly type a single ? instead of double ?? and/or a colon : instead of !!.

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💪 FizzBuzz

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