Course of Raku / Essentials / Creating and calling functions / Named parameters

Quiz 1 — Named parameters

Consider a function:

sub f(:$a, :$b) {
    $a - $b


What are the valid ways to call it?

0 f(1, 2) Positional arguments passed, not named.
1 f(a => 1, b => 2)  
0 f(a = 1, b = 2) Assignment operator instead of a pair constructor.
1 f(b => 2, a => 1)  


For the same function, what do the following calls return?

−1 f(a => 1, b => 2) returns  (: 1, −1 :)  
−1 f(b => 2, a => 1) returns  (: 1, −1 :) The order of named arguments does not matter.
1 f(a => 2, b => 1) returns  (: 1, −1 :)  

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Creating and calling functions / Positional parameters   |   Creating and calling functions / Default values

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