Course of Raku / Essentials / Positional data types / Exercises / Months names

Solution: Months names

In this program, the names of the months are taken from the array @months with twelve strings in it. As array indices start with 0, we need to decrement the input number by 1 before subscripting the array.


Here is the solution:

my @months = <
    January February March April
    May June July August
    September October November December

say @months[@*ARGS[0] - 1];

🦋 Find the program in the file months-names.raku.


Try a few runs of the program to see different names of the months.

$ raku exercises/positionals/months-names.raku 5

$ raku exercises/positionals/months-names.raku 1

$ raku exercises/positionals/months-names.raku 12


It is up to you to choose one of the possible ways to format the lists like the one in this program. Compare a few options:

my @months = <
    January February March April
    May June July August
    September October November December >;


my @months = < January   February March    April
               May       June     July     August
               September October  November December >;

You can also list all the months in a single line.

my @months = < January February March April May June July August September October November December >;

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💪 Odd indices

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