Course of Raku / Essentials / Simple input and output

Output with say

The say function (or a subroutine, or simply routine) prints the values to the standard output stream, STDOUT. If you are running the program from a terminal, the output appears there. If you are using online services, the output is sent to a dedicated area of the web page.

Here is an example of using say:

say 42;

This line can be either a part of a bigger program or be the whole program itself. It obviously prints 42 to the output.

Let us work with strings now:

say 'Hello, World!';

Voilà, we got Hello, World! on the screen.

The say routine can accept more than one argument, so we can print more values in one go:

say 42, 'Hello, World!';

Just note that the parts of this output are concatenated to a single string: 42Hello, World!, so it’s better to add a space between them. And you should be able to solve this problem by now, for example, like this:

say 42, ' ', 'Hello, World!';

After printing all the arguments, the say routine adds a newline character to the output.

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