Course of Raku / Essentials / Ranges / Excluding endpoints

Quiz — Creating ranges

Select the lines with correct Raku syntax.

1 1..10  
1 1 .. 10  
1 -1..20  
0 -1 . . 20  
1 6^..10  
0 7^.. ^10  
1 10..^20  
1 30^..^30  
0 30 ^ .. ^ 30  
1 30 ^..^ 30  
1 ^40  
1 ^ 50 Fine, but looks a bit weird.
0 60^ Not a valid syntax.


All the range creation operators (as well as other Raku operators) are uninterrupted sequences of characters, so you cannot insert a space between their part.

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Ranges   |   Ranges / Matching against a range

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